Nerve conduction studies are utilized to determine if the patient is suffering from nerve damage or inherent deficiency. This allows the doctor to either rule out or confirm a diagnosis of nervous system issues, instead of musculoskeletal problems that could cause similar symptoms. They can also help determine the source of nerve damage, such as substance abuse, nerve compression or another peripheral neuropathy, as the specific cause can be vital to effective treatment.
Pulmonary function tests (PFT's), also known as spirometry tests, measure the function of the lungs. These tests can diagnose lung diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, COPD, sleep apnea, and emphysema or determine the cause of lung-related symptoms. The airflow in and out of the lungs is measured by breathing into an instrument called a spirometer which records the amount and rate of air. These measurements are recorded under a number of different conditions to detect any lung abnormalities.
Sonograms, also known as ultrasound imaging, produce images of the inside of the body using high-frequency sound waves. These images are captured in real-time, and are able to show the structure and movement of the organs. Ultrasound imaging can be used to monitor and diagnose a wide range of conditions within nearly any system of the body.
This test may be performed on patients experiencing pain, swelling or infection in a certain area of the body. It is considered a safe, noninvasive and simple procedure with no ionizing radiation and no serious side effects.
A tuberculosis skin test, known as a PPD, can detect abnormal immune system responses to the bacteria that cause tuberculosis (TB). During this simple test, an extract will be injected into the skin, causing a welt to form. If no infection is present, the skin will clear within a few hours, but some patients may experience additional swelling. A positive result from a PPD may indicate a current or previous infection, so additional testing will be performed to confirm a diagnosis.
Tympanometry is a diagnostic procedure that examines the middle ear by applying varying air pressure in the ear canal to see how the ear responds. A probe is inserted into the ear to change the air pressure and produce a tone by making the ear drum move back and forth. The responses are then measured.
Tympanometry measures the functionality of the ear drum, or tympanic membrane, by measuring the ear's response to sound and different pressures. Abnormal results may be the result of fluid in the middle ear, perforated or scarred ear drum, impacted ear wax, a tumor, or lack of contact between the conduction bones of the middle ear.
A urinalysis is a common test used to analyze urine and diagnose possible abnormalities. This test can be performed in the doctor's office simply by collecting a urine sample from the patient. It can help detect the presence of diseases that may not show any symptoms. Urinalysis is commonly used to diagnose:
These conditions can be found by increased amounts of substances such as glucose, red blood cells, white blood cells and protein in the urine.
A venous Doppler is a specialized ultrasound procedure that evaluates the veins throughout the body in order to determine the cause of varicose veins, as well as plan out treatment of affected veins and identify blood clots, vessel narrowing, tumors and other abnormalities within the veins. Doppler technology allows the movement of blood through the veins to be viewed as well.
During the venous Doppler procedure, a clear gel is applied to the skin of the targeted area, and a transducer is moved back and forth against the skin to produce images of the internal venous structures. This procedure is painless and takes less than 30 minutes to perform.
Videonystagmography is used to determine if inner ear functions are the cause of dizziness and balance disorders. VNG is a series of tests that examine the involuntary movement of the eyes known as nystagmus. The movements are recorded through infrared cameras in the form of goggles placed over the eyes. The only discomfort from this comprehensive exam comes as a result of wearing goggles. VNG is one of the only tests that can determine if the problem is unilateral (one ear) or bilateral (both ears).